We offer a full range of comprehensive psychological assessment and treatment services for children, adolescents, adults, and families. Provision of hybrid (i.e., remote and in-person) assessment services is subject to change according to COVID-19 response and recovery efforts by UC Berkeley, Alameda County, and the state of California. For an analyst who just comfortably expects the world to burst through the couch, regardless of their own political position, this is an easy one: since we couldn’t care less about the political leanings of our patients, all that is left is to focus on the familiar dynamic where a subject questions the shortcomings of idealized authority only to better find a place within the Other’s lack. Our clinicians are doctoral students in the APA-accredited Clinical Psychology program at SMU, who are supervised by licensed clinical psychologists and/or SMU faculty members. The SMU Psychology Clinic is committed to providing professional, confidential services to individuals from diverse backgrounds. Our clinicians and supervising psychologists adhere to the highest standards of multicultural competence and treat all clients as valued and respected individuals with unique experiences. Video-recordings are kept in secure physical and electronic locations along with all other clinic records and are only viewed by relevant clinicians and supervisors. At Reframe Psychology Clinic, you will find a team of highly supportive, skilled and experienced clinicians to help you, your child and family. All child therapy is based on an evidence-based practices demonstrated to be effective for helping children and families. The PSC provides services to both children and adults. The PSC also has a small fund available for scholarships.. To become a psychologist in British Columbia, an individual completes a PhD degree program in clinical psychology which includes rigorous academic coursework, research, and comprehensive practical training, نمایش پیوند as well as participates in additional post-doctoral training and examinations in order to be eligible for licensing. We offer a range of services that are tailored to the individual/organisation in order to ensure that the therapies/services provided are the most suitable for our client’s needs. Assessment services are charged at a flat rate fee of $1200.